Clubs are often dependent on a landlord. This landlord has other interests than the club itself, i.e. renting out the building as cost-efficient as possible. Not only are modernisations thus rare, the clubs are constantly threatened by termination by the landlord. For often expensive flats are the quieter and therefore better cash cow.
One solution the panel suggested: clubs should buy the buildings they are located in themselves. To raise the required money, clubs could find new forms of organisation. The panel mainly mentions foundations and associations as sponsors for clubs. A foundation would have completely different options to communicate with public authorities and to enable co-determination. Foundations could also be open to subsidiaries from the city.
Hamburg models this vision with the Foundation to Strengthen Private Stages, in short 'Clubstiftung'. The foundation was launched commonly by the Clubkombinat Hamburg e. V. and the city of Hamburg – and cooperates closely with the city's culture department.
If there were alternative common organisational structures for clubs one could dare to be much more creative, speculates the panel: